Go from goal-setter to goal-achiever

  • Are you tired of setting yourself goals but never quite achieving them?
  • Do you have big dreams but find it difficult to realize them?

    Then the "Become a Goal Getter" program is just right for you!

    In a free strategy session, talk about your most important goal in life and how you can achieve it. Whether it's starting a business, getting in shape or finding your true happiness, I'm here to support you every step of the way.

    Schreibe mir und werde zur Umsetzungs-Maschine

    Ein Extra: Du stimmst einer Kontaktaufnahme wg. deines Zugangs zum KI-Tool zu und bist zusätzlich einverstanden, dass ich dir gelegentlich hilfreiche Tipps zu den Themen Führung, Erfolg und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung sowie Informationen zu aktuellen Angeboten zusende.*

    What you gain from the Goal Getter program

    • Personal goal setting: You receive personal support to define and clarify your most important goal in life.
    • Tailored action plan: Develop a step-by-step plan to achieve your goal that is tailored to your individual strengths and challenges.
    • Accountability and support: Stay motivated and on track by checking in regularly and being supported by a dedicated goal coach.
    • Build self-confidence: Gain the self-belief and confidence you need to pursue your dreams with determination.
    • Change your life: Take the necessary steps together with your coach to achieve your dreams and goals.

    I have come to know and appreciate Dr. Kim Eric Trinh as an extremely reliable partner. His determination and enthusiasm are infectious. Our exchanges as equals were always inspiring for me, both professionally and personally. Despite all the necessary professionalism, there was always enough room in our collaboration for a healthy dose of humor and, above all, the things that really matter in life.

    Dr.-Ing. Christoph Rivinius

    Head of Sheet Metal Rolling, AG der Dillinger Hüttenwerke

    Dr.-Ing. Kim Eric stands for clarity, discipline and winning. In our collaboration, Kim is not only absolutely reliable, but always has the long-term good in mind. His winning mindset is very infectious. Thanks to his advice, we have been able to continuously systematize and expand our company.

    Bernd Hauser

    CTO iWhistle

    Kim is an absolute expert when it comes to leadership and mindset. Thanks to his many years of experience in prestigious companies, he brings a lot of know-how and implementation power to the table. I am delighted with the quality of his advice. I can warmly recommend Kim at all levels.

    Stefan Bischof

    Deputy Managing Director swissLean

    The Mindset-Ingenieur

    Dr.-Ing. Kim Eric Trinh

    Certified Potential Consultant & Master Analyst, AECdisc®️

    Doctoral certificate, Saarland University

    Be the engineer of your own success!